독서이야기 Book Story/영화 후기 Movie Review!

청원(Guzaarish) - 2010

Oliver's World 2022. 5. 29. 02:09



After reserve force training in 2011, my friend called me abruptly that he was selected for a test screening movie.


2011년 야비군 훈련을 마치고 돌아오던 도중, 갑작스러운 친구의 호출..... 영화 시사회 당첨! 같이 보자는 말 -_-;


It was the Guzaarish.  

"청원" 이라는 영화였다.



I searched on the website about the movie. However, I could have found that people were moved by that movie. 

무슨영화지? 라는 생각으로 검색을 해 보았지만.... 감동적....이라는 얘기가...?


I thought let's go to the theater whatever that movie is~

그래~ 뭐 어떤영화일런지 모르겠지만 보자~라는 생각으로 보기 시작하였다. 



Genius magician who can do whatever he wants. 

However, his body has been paralyzed by an accident during the magic show. 

He, then, lives like in jail. 

Although he was the hope of the paralyzed people and delivered the happiness as a radio presenter,

He requested euthanasia legally.

(because euthanasia has been banned by law in India and I don't know which countries are accepted it)
모든것이 가능했다는 천재 마술사. 
마술 도중 사고가 발생하여 14년간 전신마비로 
감옥 같은 삶을 살아간다. 
비록, 책을 출판하여 전신마비 사람들의 희망도 되고, 
라디오 진행을 하여 사람들의 행복을 전하긴 하지만...
최종적으로 주인공은 법적으로 안락사를 요청하는
청원을 한다. ( 인도에서는 법적으로 안락사는 금지되고 있다.....
허용되는 나라가 얼마나 될는지는 모르겠지만;;)



Through the movie, the feeling and thinking of the paralyzed person express very well.  

It touched me a lot like the movie, "My name is the Khan"

영화가 진행되는 과정과 영화에서 비치는 전신마비인
사람에 대한 느낌을 굉장히 잘 표현하고 있다. 
"내 이름은 칸" 다음으로 감동이 몰려오는 영화였다. 


I popped up a quote from the movie in my mind several times after finishing that movie.

어쨌든 영화에서 몇 번이나 나왔던 문구가 떠오른다. 


"Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile."

 - by Audrey Hepburn

"용서는 빨리, 키스는 천천히, 사랑은 깊게, 웃음은 미친 듯이, 그리고 웃었던 일들은 후회 말자"

- 오드리 헵번
